
WintreKitty Reviews and Contests

Comic Critiques and Art Contests


May 2015

RawkSeeds by Ovis Rock

A comic about the every day life of a group of close friends.

The first comic strip of RawkSeeds was basically all I needed to continue reading. No words are used to drag the audience in, no intense action scene, just straight up “yup, that’s me” type reality. Like most people, I’m a sucker for slice-of-life comics, and the ones that I can relate to are even better. There is a type of humour there that is almost like an inside joke. Creating a comic that is relatable can be tricky sometimes, but when done properly, it can really pull its audience in.

Ovis Rock manages to capture very common life experiences that most people should have gone through at some point in their life. This allows for a larger fan base, greater understanding of humour, and just an all-around great read.

A lot of the slice-of-life comic strips that you read tend to be very simplistic art –sometimes even just quick outline characters, or stick figures. Although the point of these comics is usually in the script, not the art, it is refreshing to read a comic that has a bit more depth to its details. RawkSeeds is definitely not very detailed, but it does have that refreshing feel to it. The art is simplistic, but not so much that the characters are boring.

The use of bold colours also helps create a nice vibe towards the comic, which is again, a nice change from the usually black-and-white slice-of-life comics.

One thing that I would like to see more of is the backgrounds. Although not very important, it can be nice to see a bit more going on behind the scenes to create a depth to the comic. Again, not the easiest thing to do for slice-of-life comics as they tend to update more regularly than other comic genres (but not an impossible task).

Although each comic strip does tie in with the overall feel of a bigger story, they could potentially be read on their own and enjoyed at a similar level. You could potentially start in the middle of the strips, and still find yourself chuckling along with the scenarios that are represented in each strip.

All in all, I would highly recommend RawkSeeds to anyone who is looking for a good chuckle and a relatable experience.


Check out RawkSeeds here!

Want a review for your comic? Leave a comment below or email me! 

See You On Halloween by Nadia

Ever considered dating a fairy? A vampire? How about sending chocolate to leprechaun as a Valentine gift? Maybe the other half you’re searching through your life, is a creature from another world. World that has other rules, magic powers and feeds on your fears.

‘See You On Halloween’ has a unique introduction to the world that Nadia has created, which helps set the stage for an interesting concept that pulls the audience in.

I originally was drawn to ‘See You On Halloween’ because of the artwork. It is not very often you see a colour palette as bold as Nadia’s. The result is a stunning image radiating the artist’s personality.

On top of the colour choices, Nadia has a good sense of space and proportions that creates the appearance of confidence in her artwork. There are some instances in which proportions could be improved and this is evident in some action shots. However, the overall look is fantastic.

Nadia’s work ethics are visible in the detail of her backgrounds as well. Although they can appear crowded at times, the general impression is breathtaking. Backgrounds can be time-consuming and frustrating and Nadia takes the time to include as many details as possible to create a complete image.

When ‘See You On Halloween’ has full page scenes, the art is split up into sections to help create a nice flow through the scene, allowing the readers eyes to move easily throughout the page. This can be seen here (image below), as your eyes follow an “S” shape from top to bottom of the page.

Nadia continues to show a good sense of spacial recognition with her use of panels. The panels are clear, yet overlap in a way that adds depth to the page.

‘See You On Halloween’ occasionally has yellow writing that introduces you to the scene at the top of the page. These can be helpful at times since the characters seem to move around a lot from location to location. That being said, some of these can be removed as it is already clear where the characters are, based off of conversations and the art itself.

 As it currently stands, the plot has not progressed very far. It can be pretty easy to see where the plot will be moving however, and so far it is looking promising. In association with the script, is the grammar. In general, the grammar is not terrible, but there are some moments in which it could be improved. By fixing these small errors, the script should be able to move more smoothly from scene to scene –the script is still easy to understand as it is, though.

Looking at ‘See You On Halloween’ as a whole so far, my overall impression is very positive. If I had to recommend a new comic to anyone, this is one of my top picks. Not only is the plot very promising, but the artwork is absolutely gorgeous. I am certainly looking forward to reading more of this comic in the future!


You can check out Nadia’s ‘See You On Halloween’ on Tapastic.


If you would like your comic reviewed, please leave a comment below, or contact me via email.

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